Monday, June 9, 2008

Sluffing or Excused?

I have to admit, I'm a little miffed. One of my professors today didn't show up for class today! If we didn't show up for class, three times that's ten percent of our grade...but if they don't show? Not only did he not show today, but our first class was only a half hour - normally an hour and a half class. I guess I won't label him as a slacker just yet, but it's disturbing when your professor is less reliable than the worst of the students in the class...

I even did most of the reading assignment - the first hundred pages of our book! I have less than twenty left and am now wishing I hadn't stayed up so late this weekend struggling to finish. The rest will seem like a breeze this afternoon. Oh well, no homework on top of that, so I ought not complain.

Since there's no class, I'm at the library, updating my blog and avoiding those twenty pages. I could be working on my Harry Potter presentation, a ten minute thing on how the series has revolutionized children's lit. Perfect for me, huh? Seeing as how I've read the first four books no less than twenty times, the fifth three or four, the sixth twice, and the seventh once. Yes I do read other stuff too.

Why do I always feel like I'm being watched whenever I'm at the library...especially walking around... does anyone else ever feel that way? They have it set up so the people at the tables on the sides can see the people in the elevators and some people on each floor...there's people everywhere...! (just don't think about it...just don't think about it....) no, I'm not psychotic and yes, for the most part I like people very much...I guess if there's still any chance I might be working here I better get used to it...the openess, I mean...

Either way, time for lunch!


Anna said...

Sorry I haven't been commenting lately I saved it wrong and everytime I checked I only saw your first post so I thought you weren't posting. Silly me.

James Dashner said...

Free advice of the day: Don't diss your professors on a blog which he could very well end up reading. :-)

Suzy - Q said...

Anna, I've done that before too. Hey, and I like your blog :)

Yeah, thanks, Dashner, I'll keep that in mind :)

I bet professors check student blogs expecting to be talked about. I would, if I were a professor.