Sunday, February 22, 2009

A few more words, A little closer!

So I didn't keep constant vigil over my blog at the Life the Universe and Everything conference (held at BYU) as I said I might. I was very busy surrounding myself with some of my favorite brilliant minds in literature, i.e. Tracy Hickman, Eric Swedin, Jessica Day George, James Dashner, Julie Wright, Brandon Sanderson, and so many more it would be impossible to list them all. It was so inspiring and exciting and Awesome!!

The panels I was on went very well, I thought, though I felt like I had to constantly remind myself of why I qualify to be a panelist. No, I haven't published a book - yet - but when it comes down to it, that's not truly what being a writer is about (though admittedly I have mixed feelings about this) Being a writer means seeing the world differently, hearing that voice describe the people and things happening around you as they're happening, making mental notes of things that would make great stories, being observant, albeit almost intrusive, on life. As Anna, and others, know, being an artist of any kind is very much like this.

And of course, the true benefit of any writer's conference, I have made significant progress already on my novel in the time that I was there! I worked on it periodically throughout the conference, and a lot last night after I got home. I finally wrote a new scene! I haven't written a new scene in far too long...I'm at the revising while writing stage, which is more difficult - and writers have their own takes on that process, but so far whatever it is I'm doing with it seems to be working very well. I'm excited about it, and when it comes down to it, isn't that what really counts?

Anyway, I'm really anxious to pick up where I left off with it last night. Just one thing, for those of you who attended the conference, it was awesome seeing you there and I'm interested in hearing your experience of it, so, as I say too often, leave a comment :) I look forward to the other upcoming conferences and seeing all of you there as well.

Until then, Write On!! :)


David P. King said...

"Being a writer means seeing the world differently, hearing that voice describe the people and things happening around you as they're happening, making mental notes of things that would make great stories, being observant, albeit almost intrusive, on life."

That was awesome. Couldn't have said it better myself. Great conference. Good seeing you again. Keep up the good work :)

Eric Swedin said...

LTUE was great and I agree with your sentiments about what makes a writer.

Tess Samuel said...

Thanks guys. It was really great seeing both of you there.