Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Wheels on the Bike Go....

As irony would have it, Cup O' Joes has temporarily reopened just blocks from where I live...and actually on the same property as the school I'm going to... isn't that nuts? So, yeah, I guess I'm okay with that. Still, nothing beats the original location.

Monday was my official first day at my new job! I love it! I won't say where, but I get to help people write stuff and I get to teach writing workshops! How great is that! :) Yes, it's the perfect job for me! Did I already specify where in my past post? Probably...

I started school officially yesterday too! (Everything's so official!) I'm taking my one math class, which is pretty much all the time, and I'm taking a film class which is four hours on Mondays...Mondays and Thursdays will for a long time be repulsively full for me! Yet fun, I'm sure.

OOOH, Yeah, I almost forgot!! I, me, the person who hates heights and falling to include slides and swings (I hate that plummeting stomach feeling) I went Rock Climbing on Saturday!! For the first time Ever!! Ropes and all, I had a belayer... (different from a delayer...that's what I am)

At one point I was hanging upside down, clinging to a boulder, and I just couldn't keep my grip! I swung out, upside-down, spinning, over a 50 foot drop...maybe more, who knows... it was pretty intense! (okay, it was probably more like 20 feet...who knows...I'll have to check with my belayer) It was awesome! I really want to go again this weekend!

New hobbies include that and bike riding! I've got two awesome bikes! Which reminds me, those tires are probably in by now! Gotta check on that.

Hey, so have you ever seen the movie Herald and Maude?? What a trippy flick. It was showing at the Gallivan on Monday and I happened upon watching some/most of it... I'll have to see it sometime when there's not some major crowd watching it with me...I really hate crowds.

Things I love about city life: the cafes - namely all privately owned small, unique business restaurants/shops, like Fabulously Fourth Street Music! (love it!) Unique bike stands, like the one outside the library that says Books, the urban feel - and all that that entails...mostly.

Things I hate about the city: crowded buses/bus stations/trax/trax stations/really just crowds in general, the noise of construction - freaks me out!, the people who stare, the people who stare and start talking, the people who smell like rancid sweaty alcohol - ooh, yeah, that's gotta be #1.

But all in all, SLC is pretty fun, and pretty. There's this guy who keeps walking by where I am who looks just like Herald...weird.

My next post may have more substance...but then again, perhaps not.


Robert said...

Suzy, I have seen that Harold and Maude movie you speak of. My wife loves that movie, but I just don't get it. It's a very weird movie, but since you haven't seen all of it, I won't spoil anything.

Suzy-Q said...

Robert, see, I don't get that movie at all either.

I love how you always leave me comments on here :) makes it fun!

Robert said...

Hey, What are friends for? I have to find out what's going on in Utah, so why not read about it in your blog? You are more than welcome to post sometime on mine... but only if you want to. :)
But mine gets a little political sometimes, just don't take anything personal and you can join in the fun!

-Anxiously waiting for your next post!