Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dancin' Dancin' Dancin' !!

Alright, so this post will definitely make up for my last one which was kind of a downer, (but still important).

I'm SO Freaking Excited!! :)

ONE: I got my bike!!
TWO: I got the job!!


Okay, so, my bike! I absolutely LOVE it! I got it from the awesome Bike Collective, of course, on 2300 and West Temple where you can go and put in volunteer hours towards a bike of your choice from their shop, or you can just buy a bike from them and fix it up yourself and learn all of its intimacies, or you can take a bike you already own and fix it up or donate it to the cause. Lots of things! It's just one of the best things this city has to offer, really. Amazing.

So if none of that made sense, I found the bike I wanted a few months back (I know I've already posted about most of this) put in a bunch of volunteer hours towards owning it and then did a very stupid thing: I let the bike just sit there. Normally they pull neglected bikes after a couple of weeks so it can go to someone else. I got Very lucky. I sheepishly called Monday inquiring of its existance and It Happened to Still be there!! So I went in last night and officially claimed it as mine! Then I spent the evening fixing it and Voila!! I now have a BEAUTIFUL Rideable bike!

The BC offers a free class Saturdays on bike safety and how-to's and everything. I'm going this Saturday, cuz seriously, I feel like without the class me riding in the city is pretty much suicide. And are helmets Really required?? They look SO dorky! I know, I know. I'm very happy with the head that I have - dorky or not, I'll do what it takes to protect it. But I am going to be picky in my choice of helmets. I'm actually pretty reluctant to ride my bike at all until that class...

Anyway, Okay, So I bet you're Dying to know about the Job! (or by now you've gotten so lost in my ramblings, you've forgotten any mention of it : )

I Got the Job At the CWC!! Yippee!! They Hired me!! I start Tuesday!! Hoorah! Hoorah!
CWC: Community Writing Center! Part time hours sharing the passion to write! I getta critique stuff for people, mentor, coach writing groups, teach workshops! Awesome!! That last one's my very favorite: teach workshops! You know, that's the place I spent all of Arts Festival at volunteering. Now I get to work there!

Now if the other place would just call me... I had an interview with them, too, and they said I could have another one...just waiting and waiting. I'll be less vague when I get the job.

Job, School, Bike!! Fall's gonna be awesome!!


Robert said...

Congrats!!!! Consider yourself lucky, I just looked into the bike program. Guess what, we have one in Philly... but it's only for people 8-18yrs old. :( Dang it! It's right next to my house even.

Anna said...

Congratulations!! I think both your bike and your job are really exciting. Great job.

Eric Swedin said...

Congratulations on all the improvements in your life.
