Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun Times

I'm really excited about the response my new hobby of blogging has received! I'm especially happy to announce that J. Scott Savage himself has invited me and my new blog to join his blog tour, set up to promote his upcoming novel, the first in the Farworld series! I suppose that invite is pretty well open to most people, but I feel special anyway :) So, expect to be seeing more with that around August maybe; i.e. an interview with him and a review of his book, and some kind of spectacular contest where one of you will be able to win a personalized advanced copy of his book! Coolness!

So for fun today I met up with my sister-in-law and we took our kids to the Discovery Museum at Gateway! The kids loved it. I was reminded of how amazing 4-year-olds are at wandering off. One minute my little boy was there, the next he was gone...repeatedly; though I found him mostly over in the gift shop playing with those really cool gooballs...or know, the ones that squish and the bubbles come out ...yeah...that's all I'm saying about that.

I'm realizing how little I understand about blogging. I suppose it's pretty easy to figure out and I feel I'm picking up on things pretty quickly...but if I do something stupid with it, lemme know and I'll keep in mind not to do it again. Do you like the pink? I'm not sure how I feel about the pink. Truthfully it's not my favorite shade, but I've been thinking about having a site somewhere called Suzy-Q and I just always pictured it to be pink. So my apologies for those for whom it makes ill.

Now to discuss Monk. My most favorite show in the world is Monk. If you're a fan too, leave a comment of your favorite episode. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's the show where the guy's a detective who's got OCD and he uses it to solve his cases. He just cracks me up! I especially like the one where there's a painting of a spilled wine glass and he's trying to turn it back the right way. In the end I think he blurts out, "can't they just paint over it!" Control-Z
comes to mind. (Kudos to Eric Swedin for teaching me about Control-Z!)

Well, anyway, I think that just goes to show I've run out of anything remotely useful to comment about. Catch me at the end of the week, things might be more exciting then.

Does anyone know?? When is the next fairly local writer's event/conference/Anything?? Do I really have to wait for Round Up in September? Anyone know of any fun book signings or launch parties...or anything?? Ooh. Rick Walton talks about that writer's week at BYU in June...maybe I'll look that up. Anyone know the name for it?

WoW!! So June is like Next Week!! Oh my gosh! In my head it's still two months away...isn't it weird when that happens? Like you hear a month and you picture it being so far away and then it's like time rushes forward and there it is - next week! Okay, so I need to find out about that quickly then...

Write On!! : )


Teresa said...

Very cute blog. We had fun at the museum too. It always makes my heart race to lose kids, even for a moment. They sure like to keep us on our toes!

Ivan said...

Hey Suz, our nabors (the jenson's)
took the kids and me to this new malt/burger joint just around the corner (it was fun) and I saw a sign in the window about a author/illistration confrence going on @ BYU on or about the
I thought of you when I read it but seeing as it for illistrators too I was thinking of checking it out my self (it would be cool if we could go together :) hint hint)JK
Then just think, we could wright a bunch of kids books, I draw you wright (like we've talked about)
and become wildly successfull!!!

...I don't know it sounded cool...

I duno if thats the kind of thing you were asking about or not but
Let me know if you want more info