Saturday, November 22, 2008

Procrastination in Words.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and what if I didn't do writing for work at all. Is that a confusing sentence? Okay. So my paid jobs are journalism and writing assistant. What if they weren't? What if I didn't write at all for work! Lets face it, all of my writing energies are spent on my jobs (and my personal journal, I know) rather than the thing I really want to be working on, my novel. And maybe I'm just making excuses here, but what if I found a job that had nothing at all to do with writing? Something not in an office behind a desk, either. Which just makes me miss B&N even more. But if all that were true, would I have my novel finished by now?

What if my job didn't involve books either? Something completely outside of the whole literary world. A mild stretch for myself, don't you think? I love the questions and possibilities...

In other news, I have a car!! My amazing family chipped in and helped me out and found me a 93 Honda with ridiculously low mileage! I'm very excited about that! Especially with the approaching winter. Now, I'm not anti-bike all of a sudden, of course. I assume I will still bike to places just for fun, but I think a car is a major requirement if you have kids. Especially kids in school. And, if you've noticed, gas prices have dropped significantly! Talk about great timing!

It's going to be weird. A whole change of lifestyle. I'll have to keep reminding myself I can go out now whenever I want and take the kids with me wherever I want. WoW! Now we'll have our 'outing' days again, where once or twice a week we'll go somewhere fun after school! (Barnes and Noble) My kids love the kids section...Okay, I love the kids section, of course! Or anywhere else. We've gotten into bowling lately. The kids love that too. No more borrowing the family car and having to time schedules appropriately. I'll have to rearrange my mornings also. Things will definitely be different and interesting.

The school term is coming to an end, which means it's getting to be that time again: choosing a new class schedule and reforming my life schedule, at least a little bit. No more math class every single day and no more film class, which I'm very excited about. I'm not big on watching movies, why did I ever think I would enjoy analyzing movies? Well, I don't think I did think I'd actually enjoy it, it just fulfilled two requirements at the same time. I have a 10-12 page paper due Monday on a film of my choice (Seabiscuit) I get to analyze that a whole bunch. (I only really started writing it up last about procrastination...)

Okay, so I've been reading the book instead and analyzing the differences between the book and the movie... not at all part of the assignment. But the book is so captivating! And speaking of the book, I think I'll go read that now, I want to finish it before the assignment's due...ridiculous. It's the only real cause of my procrastination.

Have a Supergood rest of the weekend!


Eric Swedin said...

Congratulations on getting a car. And having a job that doesn't use up your creative energy is also a good idea.

Nico Solón. said...

mmmmm. really?