Wednesday, July 9, 2008

31 Things I do Instead of Writing.

Do you do any of these? Or any others?
(Obviously this was written a few years ago, but I just couldn't cut those ones!)

  1. I play Solitaire.
  2. I’ve played solitaire so many times I got bored and downloaded Mahjong. Now I play Mahjong instead.
  3. I go to the Barnes and Noble café for a quiet place to work and spend all my time reading books on the history of Mahjong.
  4. I call people I haven’t talked to in ages and time myself on how long I can get them to stay on the phone with me.
  5. I baked cookies for one of my friends and then had to bake cookies for everybody so nobody would feel left out.
  6. Let’s just say, my house has never been cleaner.
  7. Now my car is clean too.
  8. I think up new episodes for Monk that would make the show even more humorous.
  9. I reread Harry Potter… this will be number nineteen, just once more and we’ll have an even twenty. Monk likes even numbers. We’ll try for that.
  10. I think up numerous ending possibilities for book 7.
  11. I fantasize about a book 8. There just has to be one.
  12. I reread my writer’s digest collection looking for ways to not procrastinate.
  13. I spend all my time thinking “What would Kevin do?”
  14. I call my writing buddies and talk to them about ways we procrastinate on writing.
  15. I make myself food that I somehow don’t get around to eating.
  16. I’ve finally perfected my sandwiches.
  17. I put in a movie for inspiring background noise and spend all my time watching it.
  18. I’ve updated my list of movies about writing so it now includes Stranger than Fiction and Music and Lyrics.
  19. I sort through my music collection looking for the perfect writing soundtrack.
  20. I finally sit down to write and get stumped on a fact which I can only find the answer to on Wikipedia.
  21. Wikipedia is so fascinating I spend all my time running searches.
  22. I look up writing jobs on Craig’s List and go to interviews for jobs I don’t intend to take.
  23. I finally realize the true meaning of “I’ll just Google it!”
  24. There’s no better time to teach my five-year-old how to color by number.
  25. During the day I tell myself I’ll be able to concentrate better after the kids are in bed. But I forget that my spouse will be home in the evenings and, well, you know how that goes...
  26. Every time I sit down to write I fall right to sleep.
  27. I now have 54 favorite backgrounds for my computer and I’m too busy deciding which one to use.
  28. I fantasize about writing for the Writer’s Digest, and I’m sure if I could just do that, I wouldn’t procrastinate at all.
  29. I look up flight prices to exotic places and then fantasize about going to them.
  30. I pick the crumbs out of my keyboard. I can’t type with them in there anyway.
  31. I write articles like this.


Eric Swedin said...

Wikipedia rocks! So does Google!

Ivan said...

July 9th 2008? You don't have a 5 year old...