Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chocolate Stripes and Kisses

I have six minutes before I have to take my test. I'm feeling shockingly confident. I could have taken it yesterday, even with missing class Tuesday (Yes, Professor, I had a brilliant excuse) Breakfast today is a Mr. Goodbar. Yum. It's more the tecture I like than the taste...

Do you ever have those dreams where you wake up knowing that they were something so bizarre, but you wake up so suddenly, or maybe gradually, that for the life of you you just can't remember what you dreamed? But oh, how you want to remember...
I guess that's what I get for going to bed at 4:30. (No, no brilliant excuse for that one)

Maybe I'll have to be the blogger who starts a blog and then finishes it later... like, I'll post little bits of an unfinished post gradually over a week...umm... maybe everybody's blogs are just strings of unfinished posts. The point is my math teacher came in and now I have to go.

One more thought before I... Round Up: the League of Utah Writer's Conference, is this weekend! I for sure will be there...I guess... admittedly it's taken me a while to decide for sure if I want to go; "someone would have to cover for me at work and it's far and I would need a way to get there and a place to stay" ...but everything fell into place at the seemingly last minute, as things tend to do. So I'm going, especially since as of a couple days ago I've become the...well, I won't spoil it for those who are going, and for those who aren't, well, it's probably not official yet.

Doesn't it feel great to be approaching Autumn!

I would buy you a bouqet of sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address... however, this not knowing has it's charms... (name that movie! :) yeah, okay, so it's an easy one.

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