Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Did It!

I officially Unregistered for graduation today!!
And my relief outweighs my guilt!

So all that thought came down to a very clear and immediate decision!

I'm still looking at and considering summer classes. I wouldn't have to take math but I could take that awful computer class and creative non-fiction and Spanish conversations, worth one credit and the key to Not forgetting Everything I've learned thus far. Honestly I can't imagine taking a whole semester off...whatever would I do? ((everything and anything else :)) Well, I'm still just thinking about it; anything would seem lighter than the past two semesters. I have until Monday before I can register for those anyway.

In the meantime I have lots of homework to keep me plenty busy: an essay for Theory, an essay for Spanish - in Spanish (Ick!!), an Anatomy test and the usual Friday's test in Comm...all on or before Monday. Ridiculous. Even the teachers are talking about the end of semester not coming soon enough. Apparently I'm not alone in feeling that this semester seems longer than all the rest.

I think my blogs will become more interesting once school lets out too...they'll be about something more than just school...Lets see...what could that be?

I'll refrain from resorting to mentioning the weather, though it was Finally Beautiful today!! Wasn't it?? I took the kids and the dog and a friend and his dog to the park today. I used to envy people, watching them at the park with their dogs, wishing I had one of my own. There's something so serene and peaceful about dogs and kids and parks. It doesn't get much better, really :)

And here it is...I'm reaching the point of beyond tired, where I can't do anything more productive for the brain seems to shut off and I spend the rest of my evening thinking it's too early to fall asleep but it's been too long a day to do anything else at all that requires more than lying in bed with my eyes open not falling asleep...maybe I'll actually go to sleep though! Bed at 10! A decent night's sleep?? Whatever would that be like? Bet I'd be able to get up on time in the morning!

Well then, there it is...that's what I'll do.

As an aside...This particular blog is completely useless ((aka very boring!)) and for that I apologize. I'm ever so suddenly very sleepy... and I'm now trying to make my blogs shorter as I realize most people don't have that much time to read and I don't have that much time to blog...

Cheers to you!!


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